7 Required Experiences You Need To Live A Victorious Christian Life

7 Required Experiences You Need To Live A Victorious Christian Life

Here are 7 required experiences found in our series of free Christian books that help us to live a victorious Christian life. This list is not exhaustive but just shows some key Christian experiences that you can be brought into. Christ gained the victory over Satan on the cross and our way to be victorious is to maintain Christ's victory. Our series of books cover many topics that help us maintain Christ's victory in our daily life.

  1. We need to know God's purpose and live a life according to it then we will have the feeling of being victorious. Our series reveals God's purpose in the Bible and practical ways we can live according to His purpose.
  2. We overcome by the precious blood of Christ. This is covered throughout our series of books, first in Basic Elements of the Christian Life, Vol. 1 in the third chapter on the "Precious Blood of Christ", then in The All-Inclusive Christ, and finally in The Glorious Church.

    And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb... Rev. 12:11a
  1. We must have a deeper knowing and experience of Christ that we may be full of faith.

    Let us follow the example of Joshua and Caleb. They had hearts full of faith. They could tell the people, “Let us go up at once and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it” (Num. 13:30). - The All-Inclusive Christ, Ch. 13
  1. A victorious life is based on what we received in regeneration. Through regeneration, we have all that we need to live a victorious life by growing and maturing.

    Through regeneration we obtain a new heart and a new spirit. Through regeneration we further obtain the Holy Spirit, Christ, and God Himself. These are truly sufficient for us—sufficient to make us holy and spiritual, sufficient to make us victorious and transcendent, and sufficient to make us grow and mature in life. - Knowledge of Life, Ch. 4
  1. We must learn how to turn to our human spirit to live a victorious life.

    When you cannot endure a difficult situation, and the suppression is beyond your strength, turn to your spirit and look unto Jesus. You will rise far above it, transcendent and victorious. Everything will be under your feet. - The Economy of God, Ch. 11
  1. We must remember to set our mind on the spirit, this is the practical way to live a victorious Christian life. Our mind is the leading part of our soul and it directs our living – where our mind is set determines our living.

    For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace. Rom. 8:6

    If we only remember John 3:16 and forget Romans 8:6, we are a poorly saved Christian; we could never be a victorious Christian. John 3:16 is adequate for us to receive eternal life, but Romans 8:6 points out how to be a victorious Christian. - The Economy of God, Ch. 17
  1. We need to know the church and the role of the church in God’s purpose. Victory is not merely an individual matter; it is ultimately accomplished by the church. Seeing this will lead us into the experience.

    His purpose is to have a victorious Christ plus a victorious church, a Christ who has overcome the work of the devil plus a church which has overthrown the work of the devil. - The Glorious Church, Ch. 2

Finally, “In faith there is no tomorrow; it is always today.” Living a victorious Christian life is about today, so what are you going to do today? We suggest you request and start reading this series of books. https://www.rhemabooks.org/en/order-free-books/

*All quotes and verses Copyright © by Living Stream Ministry. Verses taken from "The New Testament Recovery Version Online" at https://online.recoveryversion.bible

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