How Can I Get the Most Benefit in My Reading?

What you get from reading our books may depend on how you read. Here are some ways you can get more benefit from reading these books.
Ten Ways to Get More Benefit From Reading These Books.
- The base of a healthy spiritual life is reading the Bible. We should read it personally, not just in meetings or with others. It would be good to read the entire Bible every year or two.
- In our reading of the Bible, we should read the entire Bible, not just the New Testament or not just a single book.
- In our study of the Bible, we may focus on a certain book or topic and study more intensely than in our daily reading. But we shouldn’t stick to a single book or topic for our entire lives. It would be good if we could study the entire Bible book by book.
- We can supplement our reading and study of the Bible with Christian books so we can have a better understanding of the central revelation in the Bible. Our series will help you know what the central items are.
- Don’t start by doing too much. With eating, the amount of food we eat increases as we grow, so our appetite should be growing. We shouldn’t try to attain a big increase in our reading at one time. Start with a reasonable amount and increase as your “appetite” grows and increases. If you are just beginning, one chapter of the Bible and four pages of a book a day are a great start.
- Your goal is to develop a healthy habit of reading, so consistency matters. If you miss a day, don’t be discouraged but just pick up reading again. Eventually, if you miss reading for a day you will notice the difference it makes in your daily life.
- Practice the things you read about. For example, if you are reading the third chapter in Basic Elements of the Christian Life, volume 1 on the “Precious Blood of Christ” then practice what you are reading. It shouldn’t just be something we learn about, but something we put into practice to grow and mature.
- Read with a prayerful spirit. Don’t just read for mere knowledge like it’s a textbook. Open yourself to the Lord when you are reading. When you are touched by what you read - stop, pray, enjoy sweet fellowship with the Lord.
- Our series of books contains verse references throughout the chapters. You can read those verses as you are reading the book. You can see an example of this here -
- Read the books again, alone or with others. As we grow in life we can understand more. We may read something and feel it is wonderful, but we aren’t fully able to grasp it because we don’t yet have the growth in life. The more we read it the more we can receive. We should come open and ready to receive the fresh supply from the Lord. Reading again doesn’t just have to be with ourselves, we can receive more benefit by reading with others.
A final bonus point – if you share what touched you with someone else you won’t easily forget it. Sharing it with others causes it to stay with you. We hope these points help you in your reading of these books.